Sigil By Thoth For Dancing before hathor

Sigil fair weather for camping . Created by thoth generated on Mon Jul 17 11:58:17 2017

The King, the Pharaoh, comes to dance,
He comes to sing
Mistress, see the dancing,
Wife of Horus, see the skipping!
He offers it to you,
This jug of beer
Mistress, see the dancing,
O Golden One, see the skipping!
He offers it to you,
This loaf of bread
Mistress, see the dancing,
Great One, see the skipping!
He comes to dance, he comes to sing!
His heart is straight, his inmost open,
No darkness is in his breast
His bag is of rushes,
His basket of reeds,
His sistrum of gold,
His necklace of malachite.
His feet hurry to the Mistress of Music,
He dances for her, she loves his doing!
Welcome my goddess on this your fair weather for camping
I complete this with your sigil

Group Sigil By Bellatrix For Fire1

Group Sigil hail on this last day of the festival of khandi . Created by bellatrix generated on Thu Apr 6 07:52:20 2017

This well of fire brings desires
The smoke will take our magic higher
Grant to us that which we seek
That will and wish at last shall meet
Send our spell now through the air
Now we feed it to the fire
As we will it so mote it be!
may thy sigil join the smoke
tags: sigil, sigil craft, pagan, witch, witchcraft, magic, hokbot

Sigil By Bellatrix For Fire1

Sigil hail on this last day of the festival of khandi . Created by bellatrix generated on Thu Apr 6 07:52:16 2017

This well of fire brings desires
The smoke will take our magic higher
Grant to us that which we seek
That will and wish at last shall meet
Send our spell now through the air
Now we feed it to the fire
As we will it so mote it be!
may thy sigil join the smoke

Group Sigil By Kev For Fire1

Group Sigil hail on this last day of the festival of khandi . Created by kev generated on Thu Apr 6 07:51:07 2017

Mery baalat per nefer khat menat aru
Willed with passion, wished with care
Now we name the need so dire
As we will it so mote it be!
i cast my sigil to the fire
tags: sigil, sigil craft, pagan, witch, witchcraft, magic, hokbot

Sigil By Kev For Fire1

Sigil hail on this last day of the festival of khandi . Created by kev generated on Thu Apr 6 07:51:03 2017

Mery baalat per nefer khat menat aru
Willed with passion, wished with care
Now we name the need so dire
As we will it so mote it be!
i cast my sigil to the fire