April 2017 – Prep for Beltane

Hello All!
April is here and so too is spring at last! The next few weeks many of us (self included) will be planning for Beltane and the craziness that this festival brings. Its one of my favourites, I think because its the first big one of the year I can mark with others (currently into a two week big one of my own though). 
Time then for an update. My events are:
My next Pure Magik 20th April and will be on various spiritual and pagan traditions.
Next Dover is on the 22nd April at the Red Lion. This and the rest of the dates can be found on the Facebook group:
YouTube too continues to fill up and I’m planning a few short clips so stay tuned.
In addition to my usual haunts above I have an open ceremony at the Shakra Centre, Charing following the main Beltane festival on the 6th May. Details to follow on their Facebook Page:
Out and about with other groups there is plenty going on during this busy time. I won’t be able to make the Fokestone Moot and Beltane Ceremony, or the amazing Rochester Sweeps this year as I’m away out of county doing workshops.

More groups I can be found lurking at are of course the Faversham Moot:

And last, but not least, Living Magically in Canterbury:
Have a blessed and wonderful Beltane and look forward to seeing you all soon!

BB Kev

Beltane 2015

Beltane is almost once again upon us. Of the wheel of the year sabats this is perhaps the only one that I actually engage with in the spirit of its meaning.

Yes, mid summer is important to me and so is Samhain but for both of those I tend not to approach them as most pagans do; they have a vastly different meaning to me.

This festival however I do enjoy as a mark of the approaching summer and it is also my most busy – in a public sense. I tend to be all over the place with fellow pagan.

I absolutely adore the feeling this time of year brings. I feel the earth almost clear of sleep, the animals busy doing what they do this time of year, and most importantly I see my beloved hazel trees full of leaf bud.

The tree sap is rising full of vigor and the energy of life is contagious.

Soon I shall prepare for the festival, both the private and public faces which ends with the pruning of my trees to provide a supply of wonderful wood for wands.

No matter how you celebrate this point in the cycle, if at all you do, take a moment to observe the new life around you.

Have a blessed Beltane and maybe see you on my journey

Bright blessings