Neanderthals dosed themselves with painkillers and possibly penicillin, according to a study of their teeth.
Brain activity appears to continue after people are dead, according to shock new study | The Independent
Brain activity may continue for more than 10 minutes after the body appears to have died, according to a new study. Canadian doctors in an intensive care unit appear to have observed a person’s brain continuing to work even after they were declared clinically dead. In the case, doctors confirmed their patient was dead through a range of the normal observations, including the absence of a pulse and unreactive pupils. But tests showed that the patients’ brain appeared to keep working – experiencing the same kind of brain waves that are seen during deep sleep.
Second Life: Wassail and keeping tradition – YouTube
New YouTube Channel
Kicking off the new year by uploading all of my Second Life audio recordings onto YouTube for your listening pleasure.
The plan then is to do shorter (less than the usual hour long Second Life ones) on a regular basis focusing on individual topics which interest me, and hopefully you too. 🙂
The channel can be found at []
Any comments or suggestions then please do pass them on.
BB Kev
Prehistoric porridge? First pots for plant cooking found – BBC News
Prehistoric pottery shows plants and grains were cooked as early as 10,000 years ago.
Source: Prehistoric porridge? First pots for plant cooking found – BBC News