Researchers discover that during sleep the thoughts your care about are more likely to enter your memory.
Source: Sleep ‘prioritises memories we care about’ – BBC News
Researchers discover that during sleep the thoughts your care about are more likely to enter your memory.
Source: Sleep ‘prioritises memories we care about’ – BBC News
Theodore (602-690), Archbishop of Canterbury, published the first ecclesiastical laws condemning witchcraft in England, in the seventh century. It would seem from this that the fear of witchcraft h…
Source: Witch Trials
Members of the Pagan and Heathen Symposium are proud to announce that after a lengthy process, the first step of introducing paganism to the UK National Curriculum has been launched.
The section was written by Denise Cush with advice from the President of the Pagan Federation, Mike Stygal, and other members of the Pagan and Heathen Symposium, particularly in relation to Heathenism and other reconstructionist traditions.
This material is for use by teachers in preparation of teaching materials and the Symposium is working towards the next stage to expand on this core text.
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A Bronze Age village dubbed “Britain’s Pompeii” which yielded an “extraordinary window” on the period burnt down after just months, it emerges.
Source: ‘Britain’s Pompeii’ was ‘Bronze Age new build’ site – BBC News
Neil MacGregor’s final triumph at the British Museum is a show that tells the story of the shared lives and deities of Jews, Christians and Muslims in Egypt’s diverse past – proof that we don’t have to be divided in the present
Source: What ancient Egypt tells us about a world without religious conflict